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About us

The Charles A. Yost Research Library and Archive was established January 1, 2016, by the Charles A. Yost Research Center Trust. The trustees created the Library and Archive as a means to uphold the following directive:

To enable nonprofit scientific and educational activities...independent of any profit-motivated or political encourage continuous and continual research efforts, provided that no efforts or assets shall be for imposing or destructive purposes. In particular, the trust should encourage individual research in the natural and physical sciences, in all phases, including study, conjecture, experimentation, observation, analysis, evaluation, and the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, provided that the motive for all of the foregoing is compatible with natural ecological balances and peaceful human coexistence.

The Charles A. Yost Research Library and Archive aims to continue the work of Electric Spacecraft, Inc. by providing access to back issues of the Electric Spacecraft Journal and other relevant publications, and by sharing the resources of the ESI network and Mr. Yost's own personal library and research. The library, archive and website are curated and maintained by Mr. Yost's daughter, Susan Yost.

The money raised from purchases made on this site goes to support the library, nonprofit scientific and educational activities, and individual research in the natural and physical sciences.